Visionary Planner

The last decade of my life was spent working closely with industry. As a result, I understand the importance of collaboration and teamwork to develop a shared vision with other team members, management levels, and stakeholders. Effective communication is the key to project success. The experience I gained as a programming mentor for web development and an instructional technology student led me to realize that technology and education differ when it comes to developing programs. Most of the time, students’ learning process and improvement have been sacrificed due to poor communication between those involved in decision-making.

Education leaders and stakeholders must work closely with teachers and professionals in the education field to create a stimulating and engaging learning environment for diverse students. Working together, we should look at the latest and greatest technology and what can be accomplished with it to meet the needs of 21st-century students. Education has reached the point where traditional approaches are no longer appropriate to meet the changing needs of students. Consequently, the visionary planner standard stresses the importance of incorporating technology and innovative approaches into traditional educational methods to enhance student learning and meet future demands. Educational leaders should embrace technology and innovative approaches to create an engaging, challenging, and effective learning environment.

Here is a small overview of ChatGPT to better understand the gap between industry and education. ChatGPT is one of the most intriguing technologies of our time and has been received by the educational community so far. Educators have expressed concern about plagiarism and the use of AI-generated texts as assignments for homework over the past few months. Still, there has yet to be much discussion about the potential benefits of such technology. As an educational leader, I am confident that we can help educate school board members and parents on how artificial intelligence can be integrated into the education system. As a result of this collaboration, industry visions can be aligned with community values, and it can assist students in meeting their diverse needs through collaboration between different stakeholders.

After studying in the field of education for a few years, I developed an interest in cognitivism, and I have learned that I can apply the exact lifecycle of development to visionary planning by incorporating the development of cognitive abilities such as attention, memory, and problem-solving to have more effective communication with people on board. A key element to promoting effective learning is starting with the learning goals, considering equity, and using technology to enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills to facilitate practical understanding. The impact of learning with technology can be seen in improved learning outcomes, the promotion of lifelong learning, and the creation of innovative thinking resulting from learning with technology. Undoubtedly, establishing a visionary planner standard educational leadership is one of the most critical aspects of creating a learning environment that responds to students’ varying needs, promotes innovation, and utilizes technology in such a way that learning is more effective and engaging.


  • Hsu, Y.-C., & Ching, Y.-H. (2019). The benefits of artificial intelligence in education. Frontiers in Education, 4, 112.
  • National Education Association. (2018). The visionary planner standard for educational leadership.
  • Piaget, J. (1952). The origins of intelligence in children. International Universities Press.
  • UNESCO. (2017). Using technology to support equity and inclusion in education. UNESCO.

Standard 2. A

Engage education stakeholders in developing and adopting a shared vision for using technology to improve student success, informed by the learning sciences.

Standard 2. B

Build on the shared vision by collaboratively creating a strategic plan that articulates how technology will be used to enhance learning.

Standard 2. C

Evaluate progress on the strategic plan, make course corrections, measure impact and scale practical approaches for using technology to transform learning.

Standard 2. D

Communicate effectively with stakeholders to gather input on the plan, celebrate successes and engage in a continuous improvement cycle.

Standard 2. E

Share lessons learned, best practices, challenges and the impact of learning with technology with other education leaders who want to learn from this work.

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